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Piano playing, piano lessons, piano instructor, piano teacher, piano teachings, voice lessons, voice instructions, voice inst
 Private Lessons    


Nanette offers music lessons for aspiring artists of all kinds. Each student is valued as an individual with creative potential. Each personality is matched with complimentary music.


Piano lessons give you the opportunity to learn everything that goes into properly playing a piano. From the keys, to the pedals, to the tempo, you will learn how to bring together these sounds to create beautiful music. Students will learn the Classical Dorothy Taubmann Piano Technique; a form based on healthy movements, preventing repetitive motion injury. Sonneman Studio Piano, Voice and Drama’s piano lessons make heavy use of performance-based theory.


If you are looking to strengthen your voice, Sonneman studio is also here to help. Vocal lessons are a great way for you to harness the power of your own voice. Not only will you learn how to sing, you can also learn how to read music through basic piano skills. There are many reasons to receive vocal lessons from a vocal coach, personal enjoyment perhaps being the most important. However, it can also be the start of a new career, or a way to breathe life into a party. The most gifted entertainers benefit from training focused on protecting vocal health. Singing lessons can do wonders for your voice and the talents you already have. We can help you learn to sing to the best of your abilities.



While you are working on getting those recital pieces 'performance-ready,' participating in Studio Class is a great way to check in on the progress you have made along the way. We also learn about the great composers of the past, listening to some of their greatest works. 

Offered four times throughout the year, Studio Class is an opportunity for all piano, voice, and drama students to come together and gain valuable performance experience. By sharing their pieces in a judgement-free forum, students are able to strengthen their abilities, build their confidence and improve upon technique. After each performance, classmates are able to share opinions and positive critique with one another that gives each student advice towards what to improve on before the day of the recital.


Piano playing, piano lessons, piano instructor, piano teacher, piano teachings, voice lessons, voice instructions, voice inst
 Studio Classes    


Students enrolled in Sonneman Studio are able to participate twice a year in both summer and winter recitals.  There is no experience quite like a recital.  Each performer's personality shines through the music they share with a joyful audience who is eager to listen.  Audiences are encouraging and the students are motivated to strive to be their best.

Piano playing, piano lessons, piano instructor, piano teacher, piano teachings, voice lessons, voice instructions, voice inst
Piano playing, piano lessons, piano instructor, piano teacher, piano teachings, voice lessons, voice instructions, voice inst
Dramatic Presentations

Students interested in drama, may participate in a Drama workshop with other students.  These workshops utilize exercises to strengthen projection, diction, character analysis, subtext, gestures and stage movement.  Scenes are studied, experimented with, and then performed, drawing from Shakespeare to a repertoire of modern plays. 

Piano playing, piano lessons, piano instructor, piano teacher, piano teachings, voice lessons, voice instructions, voice inst
Piano playing, piano lessons, piano instructor, piano teacher, piano teachings, voice lessons, voice instructions, voice inst
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